Fortran Wiki
Fortran for Scientists and Engineers (Fourth Edition)
By Stephen J. Chapman (2017)
McGraw-Hill Education

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Fortran for Scientists and Engineers teaches simutaneously both the fundamentals of the Fortran language and a programming style that results in good, maintainable programs. In addition, it serves as a reference for Professionals working in the industry. Among its strengths are its concise, clear explanations of Fortran syntax and programming procedures, the inclusion of a wealth of examples and exercises to help students grasp difficult concepts, and its explanations about how to understand code written for older versions of Fortran.
- Introduction to Computers and the Fortran Language
- Basic Elements of Fortran
- Program Design and Branching Structures
- Loops and Character Manipulation
- Basic I/O Concepts
- Introduction to Arrays
- Introduction to Procedures
- Additional Features of Arrays
- Additional Features of Procedures
- More About Character Variables
- Additional Intrinsic Data Types
- Derived Data Types
- Advanced Features of Procedures and Modules
- Advanced I/O Concepts
- Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures
- Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran
- Coarrays
- Redundant, Obsolescent, and Deleted Fortran Features
Created on April 26, 2018 14:14:25
Jason Blevins
(1490 characters / 0.0 pages)