Fortran Wiki
Adrian Croucher?
co- or authored:
Unit testing frameworks, Zofu
Adrian Croucher?
co- or authored:
Fortran Unit Test Framework
Adrien Haxaire?
co- or authored:
Debugging tools, Users
Ajay Rawat
co- or authored:
Ajay Rawat, Users
Alfredo Buttari?
co- or authored:
Angelo Graziosi?
co- or authored:
Anonymous Coward
co- or authored:
2009, A discussion on a standard command argument parser leveraging NAMELIST, About Fortran evolution and OOP, Absoft Afterthoughts, Allocatable enhancements, Applications, Arjen Markus, Articles, Blogs, Books, Build tools, C preprocessor, Callbacks, Category Problems, Coarrays, Code, Command-line arguments, Compilers, Continuation lines, Data structures, Debugging tools, Decorator Pattern, Design patterns, Discussion, Dynamic memory allocation, FAQ, FORD, Feature Proposals, File_Name_Generator, Fixed form layout, Floating point arithmetic, Fo X, Fortran 2003, Fortran 2003 , Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008, Fortran 2008 status, Fortran 2018, Fortran 90, Fortran 95, Fortran History, Fortran Wiki, Free form layout, GFortran, GFortran errors, Generic procedure with subroutines and functions, Generic programming, Hash tables, Home Page, Hossein Talebi, How To, Humor, ISO_C_BINDING, Inquiry function, Interoperability, Intrinsic procedures, Keywords, Libraries, Linked list, M_color, M_slurp, Modernizing Old Fortran, Mohammad, Mohsen Soori, Object Oriented Programming and Performance, Object-oriented programming, Object-oriented programming2, Parallelization, Polymorphism for procedure pointers inside derived types, Preprocessors, Programming exercises, Questions, Real precision, Refactoring, Samir Ouchene, Sandbox, Satish, Software repositories, Source code editors, Standards, String tokenization, Timing, Tools, Tutorials, Unit testing frameworks, Useful External Links, Users, Videos, anint, array constructors, btest, c_interface_module, comp.lang.fortran, dshiftr, elemental, equivalence discussion, erfc_scaled, extend_dble, f_uname, fdate, findloc, fpp, fsh, get_namelist, ieee_arithmetic, init, iso_readline(3f), lntrinsic procedures, m4, m_process, m_strings, m_system, maxcontin, min, modulo, namelist_prompter, newunit, notopen, ogpf, p FUnit, pointer_example, random_number, random_seed, recursion, scramble, sidebar, spoiler, swap, this_image, timer, ufpp
co- or authored:
Arjen Markus
co- or authored:
Arjen Markus, File extensions, Ftnunit, OOP discussion, Testing the compiler and run-time properties, Tools, Unit testing frameworks, arjen
co- or authored:
Bakhbergen Bekbauov
Balint Aradi?
co- or authored:
Fypp, Libraries, Preprocessors, Unit testing frameworks
co- or authored:
About Fortran evolution and OOP, Applications, Articles, Automatic documentation, Blogs, Books, Build tools, C interoperability, CSharp Interoperability, Coarrays, Code, Code generation, Commercial static analysis tools, Compilers, Conference Proceedings, Cpp interoperability, ELF90, Error handling, F, Fortran 2003, Fortran 2023, Fortran Courses, Fortran History, Fwrap, GFortran, Home Page, Humor, Interoperability, Intrinsic procedures, Introduction to Computational Economics Using Fortran, J3, Julia, Libraries, Lua, Matlab, Modern Fortran Libraries, Modernizing Old Fortran, Non-English Resources, Object-oriented programming, Perl, Preprocessors, Python, R, Refactoring, Software repositories, Source code editors, Standards, Style, Tools, Tutorials, Unit testing frameworks, Videos, coco, images, iso_fortran_env, random_init, urbanjost
Bill Long
co- or authored:
Bill Long, Coarrays, Parallelization, Users
Bo Sundman
co- or authored:
Bo Sundman, Users
co- or authored:
Absoft Afterthoughts
Brad Richardson?
co- or authored:
Unit testing frameworks
Brent W. Barker
co- or authored:
Brent W. Barker, Modernizing Old Fortran, Source conventions
Bálint Aradi?
co- or authored:
Build tools, Fypp, Unit testing frameworks
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status discussion
co- or authored:
Source code editors
CMac Mackin?
co- or authored:
Automatic documentation, FORD, Fortran DOC
co- or authored:
Automatic documentation, Doctran
Calvin Vu?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status
Cameron Carroll
co- or authored:
Cameron Carroll, Juan Pablo Justiniano, Users
Captain Fortran?
co- or authored:
File extensions
Casimir Katz
co- or authored:
Casimir Katz, Feature Proposals, SEQUENCE types allowed for extensions
Chris Brown
co- or authored:
Chris Brown, OOP discussion
Chris Mac Mackin?
co- or authored:
FORD, Source code editors
Clemens de Leeuw
co- or authored:
Clemens de Leeuw, Users
Clive Page
co- or authored:
Better support for COMMON blocks, Clive Page, Code, Compilers, Continuation lines, Email lists, FAQ, FORTRAN 66, Fortran 2008, Home Page, Libraries, Modernizing Old Fortran, Sandbox, Software repositories, Source code editors, Stream Input Output, Tools, Tutorials, Useful External Links, iso_varying_string, match_wild, read_gif, writegif
co- or authored:
Automatic documentation, GUI Development, Source code editors, Tutorials
Daniel Carrera
co- or authored:
Build tools, Compilers, Daniel Carrera, EKOPath, G95, Oracle Developer Studio, Users
co- or authored:
Darius Markauskas
co- or authored:
Darius Markauskas, Extension to USE statement, Feature Proposals, Libraries
co- or authored:
Interoperability, Source code editors
co- or authored:
Object-oriented programming
David Duffy
co- or authored:
Applications, Articles, Code, Compilers, Dialects, Fortran History, GUI Development, IFTRAN, Interoperability, LLVM Dragonegg, Libraries, Parametric Fortran, Software repositories
David Kopriva?
co- or authored:
Blogs, Compilers, Source code editors
co- or authored:
Applications, Code, Compilers, Home Page, Libraries, Mutation testing frameworks, Myths, Parallelization, RATFOR, Refactoring, Software repositories, Tools, Useful External Links, recursion
Denis Brizard?
co- or authored:
Dionisis Pettas?
co- or authored:
String tokenization
Dr Acid
co- or authored:
Dr Acid, Users, newunit
E Canot (Univ Rennes, FR)?
co- or authored:
Ed Z?
co- or authored:
Command-line arguments
Edmondo Giovannozzi?
co- or authored:
Feature Proposals, Multiple allocation, smart pointer
co- or authored:
Edouard Canot?
co- or authored:
Erik Toussaint
co- or authored:
Espen Myklebust?
co- or authored:
Espen Myklebust?
co- or authored:
Feature Proposals
co- or authored:
Debugging tools, FJ, Home Page
Federico Perini?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Factory Pattern
Foo Bar
co- or authored:
Foo Bar, Sandbox
Fortran Geek?
co- or authored:
Fx Coudert?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status
Gary Klimowicz
co- or authored:
Gary Klimowicz, J3, Users
George Wyche
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Command-line arguments
Harald Klimach?
co- or authored:
Hossei Talebi?
co- or authored:
Hossein Talebi
co- or authored:
Discussion, Fortran and Cpp objects, Hossein Talebi, Object Oriented Programming and Performance, Source code editors, Users
Ian Giestas Pauli?
co- or authored:
Ian Harvey
co- or authored:
Better support for COMMON blocks, Fortran 2003 status, Fortran Wiki, Fortran Wiki discussion, Home Page, How To, Ian Harvey, Modernizing Old Fortran, Submodules, Users
co- or authored:
print matrix indices
co- or authored:
Unit testing frameworks
Izaak Beekman
co- or authored:
Block It, Coarrays, FORD, Izaak Beekman, comp.lang.fortran
Izaak Beekman
co- or authored:
Assumed-size data structures, Automatic documentation, Block It, Books, Build tools, Code, Doxygen, Generating C Interfaces, Hash tables, Izaak Beekman, Preprocessors, Questions, Source code editors, Stream Input Output, c_f_pointer, hash table example
co- or authored:
Juan Pablo Justiniano, Users
co- or authored:
GUI Development, Home Page, Humor, JTappin, Source code editors
Jackson Benete?
co- or authored:
Source code editors
Jane Sleightholme
co- or authored:
Books, Jane Sleightholme, Users
co- or authored:
Hash tables
Jannis Teunissen?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Predefined preprocessor macros
Jason Blevins
co- or authored:
2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, Advanced Scientific Fortran, Anonymous Coward, Arithmetic, Articles, Assumed shape array discussion, Autodoc, Automatic documentation, BSD license, Bessel function, Better support for EQUIVALENCE, Block It, Blogs, Books, Build tools, C interoperability, CERNLIB, CGI, CSharp Interoperability, CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers, Callbacks, Coarrays, Code, Collective subroutine, Command-line arguments, Compiler .MOD files, Compiler Support for Modern Fortran, Compilers, Computer Language Benchmarks Game, Continuation lines, Contributing, Copyrights, Cpp interoperability, Data structures, David Duffy, Debugging tools, Design Patterns, Design patterns, Developing Statistical Software in Fortran 95, Dialects, Discussion, Dynamic memory allocation, EGTRAN, EKOPath, ELF90, Edit descriptors, Erik Toussaint, Error handling, Expokit, Extended Re-OPEN capabilities, F, FAQ, FJ, FLIBS, FORTRAN 66, FORTRAN 77, FUnit, Feature Proposals, File extensions, Fixed form layout, Flang, Floating point arithmetic, Fo X, Forpedo, Fort Unit, Fortran, Fortran 2003, Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2003 status discussion, Fortran 2008, Fortran 2008 status, Fortran 2018, Fortran 90, Fortran 90 and 95 for Scientists and Engineers, Fortran 95, Fortran 95 and 2003 for Scientists and Engineers, Fortran Forum, Fortran History, Fortran Unit Test Framework, Fortran Wiki, Fortran Wiki discussion, Fortran and Cpp objects, Fortran for Scientists and Engineers (Fourth Edition), Fortran DOC, Fpx3, Fwrap, G95, GFortran, GFortran errors, GNU Free Documentation License, GPL license, Generating C Interfaces, Generic programming, Guide to Fortran 2008 Programming, Hash tables, Home Page, How To, Humor, IEEE arithmetic, IRC, Inquiry function, Intel Fortran compiler, Interoperability, Intrinsic procedures, Intrinsic types, Introduction To Fortran 90 and 95, Introduction to Computational Economics Using Fortran, Introduction to Programming with Fortran (3rd Edition), Izaak Beekman, J3, Jason Blevins, John S. Urban, Keywords, Kindahero, LAPACK, LF Fortran, LFortran, Libraries, Library distribution, Linked list, Luka Djigas, MIT license, MPI - The Complete Reference, Matrix inversion, Modern Fortran - Style and Usage, Modern Fortran Explained, Modern Fortran in Practice, Modernizing Old Fortran, Myths, NAG Fortran compiler, Netlib, News, Numerical Algorithms with Fortran, Numerical Computing With Modern Fortran, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, Numerical Recipes in Fortran 90 - The Art of Parallel Scientific Computing, OOP discussion, OS integration, Object-Oriented Programming Via Fortran 90 and 95, Object-oriented programming, Open Watcom, Open MP, Oracle Developer Studio, Parallel Programming with Co-Arrays, Pointers, Polymorphism for procedure pointers inside derived types, Posix90, Preprocessors, Procedure pointers, Public domain, Python, Questions, ROBODoc, Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal, Real precision, Sandbox, Scientific Software Design - The Object-Oriented Way, Singleton pattern, Software repositories, Source code editors, Source conventions, Standards, Stats, String tokenization, String_Functions, Style, Submodules, TS 18508, Tcl, The Fortran 2003 Handbook, The Practice of Programming, Tools, Tutorials, Unit testing frameworks, Useful External Links, Users, Using MPI - Portable Parallel Programming with the Message Passing Interface, Using Open MP - Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming, WG5, Wiki engine discussion, Writing Scientific Software - A Guide to Good Style, abs, achar, acos, acosh, adjustl, adjustr, aimag, aint, all, allocate_coin_toss, allocated, anint, ansi_colors, any, arjen, asin, asinh, associated, atan, atan2, atanh, atomic_add, atomic_and, atomic_cas, atomic_define, atomic_fetch_add, atomic_fetch_and, atomic_fetch_or, atomic_fetch_xor, atomic_or, atomic_ref, atomic_xor, bessel_j0, bessel_j1, bessel_jn, bessel_y0, bessel_y1, bessel_yn, bge, bgt, bit_size, ble, blt, btest, c_associated, c_f_pointer, c_f_procpointer, c_funloc, c_loc, c_sizeof, case, ceiling, char, cmplx, co_broadcast, co_max, co_min, co_reduce, co_sum, coco, command_argument_count, comp.lang.fortran, compiler_options, compiler_version, conjg, cos, cosh, count, cpu_time, cshift, d2u, date_and_time, dble, digits, dim, dot_product, dprod, dshiftl, dshiftr, elemental, eoshift, epsilon, equivalence discussion, erf, erfc, erfc_scaled, event_query, execute_command_line, exp, expand, exponent, extends_type_of, f90doc, f90ppr, f90tohtml, f_uname, fake, float, floor, fpp, fraction, gamma, gen_list, get_command, get_command_argument, get_environment_variable, hash table example, hello, huge, hypot, iachar, iall, iand, iany, ibclr, ibits, ibset, ichar, ieee_arithmetic, ieor, image_index, index, init_seed, int, interface_mod, internalproc, ior, iparity, is_iostat_end, is_iostat_eor, ishft, ishftc, iso_c_binding, iso_fortran_env, iso_readline(3f), iso_varying_string, kind, kiss64, lbound, lcobound, leadz, len, len_trim, lge, lgt, lle, llt, log, log10, log_gamma, logical, m4, m_system, maskl, maskr, matmul, max, maxexponent, maxloc, maxval, merge, merge_bits, min, minexponent, minloc, minval, mod, modulo, move_alloc, mvbits, nearest, new_line, nint, norm2, not, null, num_images, ogpf, pack, parity, pointer_example, popcnt, poppar, precision, present, proc_component_example, product, radix, random_init, random_number, random_seed, range, rank, read_gif, real, repeat, reshape, roach, rrspacing, same_type_as, scale, scan, scramble, selected_char_kind, selected_int_kind, selected_real_kind, set_exponent, shape, shifta, shiftl, shiftr, sidebar, sign, sin, sinh, size, sngl, spacing, spread, sqrt, storage_size, strnum, sum, system_clock, tan, tanh, this_image, tibo, tiny, trailz, transfer, transfer_ex, transpose, trim, ubound, ucobound, unpack, urbanjost, use_test, verify, wc, writegif, xkcd
Javier Goicochea?
co- or authored:
Modernizing Old Fortran
Jerry De Lisle?
co- or authored:
Decorator Pattern
Joe Krahn
co- or authored:
Allocate-on-assignment for intrinsic string arguments, Assumed shape array discussion, Assumed-size and assumed-length pointers, Assumed-size data structures, Better support for COMMON blocks, Better support for EQUIVALENCE, Bitwise logical operators, Build tools, C preprocessor, CHAR(string) function, CONSTANT attribute, Code, Compiler .MOD files, Continuation lines, Debugging tools, Discussion, Dynamic Memory Reallocation, Extended Re-OPEN capabilities, F2008 Smart Macros, FAQ, Feature Proposals, Fortran History, Fortran and Cpp objects, GFortran, Generating C Interfaces, Generic procedure with subroutines and functions, Home Page, Humor, INTENT(NONE), IO list references in format strings, Inheritance control for CONTAINed procedures, Interoperability, Joe Krahn, Library distribution, Named labels, Object-oriented programming, Parallelization, Predefined preprocessor macros, Preprocessors, RANK attribute, Sandbox, Self-defining INTERFACE, Source code editors, Source conventions, Type coercion, Typed enumerators, Uniform syntax for block constructs, atan2, c_interface_module, equivalence discussion, getopt_long_module, iso_readline(3f), newunit, notopen, qsort_inline, regex_module, transfer
John Michael Linacre
co- or authored:
Absoft Afterthoughts, Compilers, John Michael Linacre
John S. Urban
co- or authored:
Code, Command-line arguments, Libraries, d2u, f_uname, fdate, iso_readline(3f), notab, roach, system_clock, ttee, ufpp, urbanjost, what
Jonathan Dursi?
co- or authored:
Joseph Thames
co- or authored:
Dialects, Discussion, Ever Glade, Home Page, Joseph Thames, Meta Gram (GAEMY), Modeling penthouse discussion, Neo Fortran Linux USB, Neo Fortran semantics, Quasilinearization in Fortran II, STEM Education Leap, Users, Web Code, holon paradigm, parallel MOB searching
Karin Nyström?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2008 status
Kay Diederichs?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Kindahero, Users
co- or authored:
Klaus Friedewald?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Kong,Tao, verify
Kun Wing?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008 status
co- or authored:
Focal, LKedward, Libraries
Laurent Steffan
co- or authored:
Laurent Steffan, Users, p FUnit
Lee H?
co- or authored:
Luka Djigas
co- or authored:
Applications, Fortran Wiki, Luka Djigas, Source code editors
M. Chinoune?
co- or authored:
Books, Compilers, Fortran 2008 status, Fortran 2018
co- or authored:
Fortran 2018, Home Page
Magnus Jansson
co- or authored:
Magnus Jansson, Refactoring, Tools
co- or authored:
Mahboob, Users
Mar Die
co- or authored:
Compiler Support for Modern Fortran, Fortran 2018 status, Mar Die
Mark Le Air?
co- or authored:
Markus Litz?
co- or authored:
Martin D. Maas?
co- or authored:
Matt Thompson
co- or authored:
Matt Thompson, Questions, Users
co- or authored:
Matthias Cuntz?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
INTENT(NONE), Modernizing Old Fortran, Object-oriented programming, Ricardo Reis
Maximilien Levesque?
co- or authored:
Michael Goerz?
co- or authored:
Michael Monkenbusch
co- or authored:
Michael Monkenbusch, Users, regex_module
Michael Murphy?
co- or authored:
Michael G380?
co- or authored:
Michael Green
Mike Garrahan
co- or authored:
Mike Garrahan, Unit testing frameworks, p FUnit
Mohamed Saber
co- or authored:
Mohamed Saber, Users
co- or authored:
Code, Fortran Courses, Home Page, Libraries, Modern Fortran Libraries, Mohammad, Sandbox, Source code editors, Tutorials, Useful External Links, Wiki engine discussion, ogpf, sidebar
Mr Blue?
co- or authored:
Compiling and linking modules, Home Page, Keywords, Module, Object-oriented programming, Sandbox, associate, block, control constructs, procedure
co- or authored:
NNemec, atan2
co- or authored:
Namsik, Users
Neal Van Eck?
co- or authored:
equivalence discussion
Neil Lindquist?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Nick Mraz?
co- or authored:
Source code editors
Nick Papior?
co- or authored:
Nikolaos J. Hatzopoulos?
co- or authored:
Object-oriented programming2
Norwid Behrnd?
co- or authored:
Olivier Marti?
co- or authored:
Patrick Seewald?
co- or authored:
Paul Dent?
co- or authored:
Stream Input Output
Paul Robinson?
co- or authored:
Validate Credit-Debit card Fortran program
Paul Romano?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008 status
Professor Laurence Marks?
co- or authored:
Modernizing Old Fortran
Rafik Zurob?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2008 status
Rafik Zurob / IBM XL Fortran team?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2008 status
Ralph Johnson
co- or authored:
Better support for COMMON blocks, OOP discussion, Ralph Johnson, Users
Ramy Mohamed
co- or authored:
Automatic documentation, Ramy Mohamed
Reinhold Straub?
co- or authored:
Contributing, Fortran Courses, Ftnunit, GFortran, How To, Interoperability, Intrinsic procedures, Libraries, Useful External Links, iand, ibclr, ibits, ibset, ieor, ior, not
Release Candidate?
co- or authored:
Build tools
Rhys Ulerich
co- or authored:
Generating C Interfaces, Rhys Ulerich, Users
Ricardo Reis
co- or authored:
Ricardo Reis, UGeun Jang, Users
co- or authored:
equivalence discussion
co- or authored:
Compilers, Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008 status
Rusakov Igor?
co- or authored:
Object-oriented programming
Ryan Lucking
co- or authored:
CSharp Interoperability, Interoperability, Modernizing Old Fortran, Ryan Lucking
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Cpp interoperability
co- or authored:
Callbacks, Fortran 2003 status, Samir Ouchene
Samir Ouchene
co- or authored:
Samir Ouchene, Users
Samuel Lazerson
co- or authored:
Samuel Lazerson, Users
co- or authored:
Automatic documentation, Decorator Pattern, Design Patterns, Factory Pattern, Fortran 2003, Fortran 2008 status, Fortran DOC, Satish, Strategy Pattern, fpp
Sci Vision?
co- or authored:
EKOPath, Fortran 2003, Fortran 2008 status
co- or authored:
Compiler Support for Modern Fortran, scivision
co- or authored:
Sean Patrick Santos?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008 status, OOP discussion, Sean Santos
co- or authored:
Fypp, Source conventions
Steve Lionel (Intel)?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008 status
Steve Soliday
co- or authored:
Steve Soliday, Users
Stew Master J
co- or authored:
Stew Master J, Users
Stuart Mentzer
co- or authored:
Stuart Mentzer, Unit testing frameworks, Unit Test, Users
co- or authored:
Code, Reading Ansys Sub Structure analysis file
Tariq Ridwan
co- or authored:
Tariq Ridwan, Users
Thijs Drost?
co- or authored:
Thomas Applencourt?
co- or authored:
Predefined preprocessor macros
Tim O'Callaghan
co- or authored:
Tim O'Callaghan, Users
Tom Baker?
co- or authored:
True Believer?
co- or authored:
Trurl The Constructor - Elkin Arroyo?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Code, FAQ, U3542
UGeun Jang
co- or authored:
UGeun Jang, Users
Update for NAG 6.0?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008 status
co- or authored:
Object-oriented programming
Vladimir Fuka?
co- or authored:
Wadud Miah
co- or authored:
Books, Fortran Courses, Users, Wadud Miah
Willem Vermin
co- or authored:
Zh. Niu
co- or authored:
File_Name_Generator, Zh. Niu
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Code, Quartiles, Users, Validate Credit-Debit card Fortran program, aerogeek-sukhbinder, happy_new_year, transfer_ex
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003
co- or authored:
Fortran 2008
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Generating C Interfaces
changed Link?
co- or authored:
Open MP
co- or authored:
hash table example
co- or authored:
Fortran 90
co- or authored:
Unit testing frameworks
co- or authored:
Libraries, Unit testing frameworks, Vegetables, iso_varying_string
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Unit testing frameworks
co- or authored:
Modernizing Old Fortran
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Home Page, IRC, recursion
co- or authored:
GFortran, Intel Fortran compiler
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status
j Torne?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Applications, Code, Matrix inversion, differentiation, integration, interpolation, jabirali
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Libraries, Users, kevinhng86
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Build tools, Libraries, Python, Software repositories,
co- or authored:
Code, Fortran Unit Test Framework
co- or authored:
Books, milancurcic
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Numerical Algorithms with Fortran
co- or authored:
Debugging tools
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Object-oriented programming
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Coarrays, Compiler Support for Modern Fortran, Parallelization, TS 18508, scivision
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Code, Reading Ansys Sub Structure analysis file, SVD, Time In Words, Tutorials, sukhbinder-aerogeek
co- or authored:
Applications, Build tools, Command-line arguments, Fo Bi, Libraries, Pre For, Software repositories, Users, szaghi
co- or authored:
product, tibo
co- or authored:
m4, tomtac
updated Absoft, NAG and PGI to 12/2013 state?
co- or authored:
Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2008 status
co- or authored:
A discussion on a standard command argument parser leveraging NAMELIST, Code, Command-line arguments, Compilers, FAQ, Fortran Wiki, Home Page, Libraries, M_color, Scratch Files, Software repositories, Unit testing frameworks, array constructors, asa2pdf, d2u, delim, expand, fdate, fpp, get_namelist, getvals, hash value example, init, iso_readline(3f), jucolor, kracken, m_process, m_strings, notab, notopen, online_compilers, opover, readline, regex_module, roach, sequential_filenames, short-circuiting, stderr, strtok, swap, tostring, ttee, ufpp, urbanjost, what, xxenv
v. Clement?
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
hash table example
co- or authored:
2023, Applications, Articles, Books, CSharp Interoperability, Code, Compilers, Contributing, Discussion, Fixed form layout, Floating point arithmetic, Fortran, Fortran 2003 status, Fortran 2018, Fortran 2023, Fortran Forum, Free form layout, GFortran, GUI Development, IFTRAN, IRC, JTappin, LF Fortran, Libraries, Modern Fortran Libraries, NAG Fortran compiler, News, Non-English Resources, OS integration, Open Watcom, Polymorphism for procedure pointers inside derived types, Posix90, Python, Sandbox, Self-defining INTERFACE, Software repositories, Source code editors, Standards, String tokenization, Uniform syntax for block constructs, Unit testing frameworks, Videos, asa2pdf, asin, block, comp.lang.fortran, gamma, ieee_arithmetic, implicit none, iso_c_binding, log, log_gamma, ogpf, print matrix indices, random_number, sign, strtok, tanh, vmagnin, xxenv
co- or authored:
Source code editors
co- or authored:
Libraries, Python, Tools, forpy
co- or authored:
Users, ysohret
co- or authored:
co- or authored:
Izaak Beekman
co- or authored:
Hash tables