Keywords are specifically NOT reserved words as per the Fortran specifications (F03 section 2.52, F90 section 2.52, and F77 section 2.2).
The following keywords were defined in FORTRAN 77: assign, backspace, block data, call, close, common, continue, data, dimension, do, else, else if, end, endfile, endif, entry, equivalence, external, format, function, goto, if, implicit, inquire, intrinsic, open, parameter, pause, print, program, read, return, rewind, rewrite, save, stop, subroutine, then, write.
The following keywords were added in Fortran 90: allocatable, allocate, case, contains, cycle, deallocate, elsewhere, exit?, include, interface, intent, module, namelist, nullify, only, operator, optional, pointer, private, procedure, public, recursive, result, select, sequence, target, use, while, where.
The following keywords were added in Fortran 95: elemental, forall, pure.
The following features were added in Fortran 2003: abstract, associate, asynchronous, bind, class, deferred, enum, enumerator, extends, final, flush, generic, import (in interfaces), non_overridable, nopass, pass, protected, value, volatile, wait.
The following keywords were added in Fortran 2008: block, codimension, do concurrent, contiguous, critical, error stop, submodule, sync all, sync images, sync memory, lock, unlock, impure.
The following keywords were added in Fortran 2018: select rank, non_recursive, import (in block and contained procedures).