Fortran Wiki


bessel_jn(n, x) computes the Bessel function of the first kind of order n of x. If n and x are arrays, their ranks and shapes shall conform.

bessel_jn(n1, n2, x) returns an array with the Bessel functions of the first kind of the orders n1 to n2.


Fortran 2008 and later


Elemental function, except for the transformational variant bessel_jn(n1, n2, x).


result = bessel_jn(n, x)
result = bessel_jn(n1, n2, x)


  • n - Shall be a scalar or an array of type integer.
  • n1 - Shall be a non-negative scalar of type integer.
  • n2 - Shall be a non-negative scalar of type integer.
  • x - Shall be a scalar or an array of type real. For bessel_jn(n1, n2, x) it shall be scalar.

Return value

The return value is a scalar of type real. It has the same kind as x.


program test_besjn
  real(8) :: x = 1.0_8
  x = bessel_jn(5,x)
end program test_besjn

See also

bessel_j0, bessel_j1, bessel_y0, bessel_y1, bessel_yn

category: intrinsics