
Fortran Wiki


Determines the minimum value of the elements in an array value, or, if the dim argument is supplied, determines the minimum value along each row of the array in the dim direction. If mask is present, only the elements for which mask is .true. are considered. If the array has zero size, or all of the elements of mask are .false., then the result is huge(array) if array is numeric, or a string of char(255) characters if array is of character type.


Fortran 95 and later


Transformational function


  • result = minval(array, dim [, mask])
  • result = minval(array [, mask])


  • array - Shall be an array of type integer, real, or character.
  • dim - (Optional) Shall be a scalar of type integer, with a value between one and the rank of array, inclusive. It may not be an optional dummy argument.
  • mask - Shall be an array of type logical, and conformable with array.

Return value

If dim is absent, or if array has a rank of one, the result is a scalar. If dim is present, the result is an array with a rank one less than the rank of array, and a size corresponding to the size of array with the dim dimension removed. In all cases, the result is of the same type and kind as array.

See also

min, minloc

category: intrinsics