An example of pointer usage in Fortran:
program pointer_example
real, target :: a, b, c
real, pointer :: p, q
! Define some values
a = 3.1416
b = 2.7182
c = 0.5772
! The following pointer associations result in
! a = p = 3.1416 and b = q = 2.7182
p => a
q => b
call print_values()
! If we use conventional assignment, all four variables
! a, b, p, and q will be 3.1416
q = p
call print_values()
! Alternatively, if we can use pointer association
! to set p = c = 0.5772 without changing a, b, or q.
p => c
call print_values()
subroutine print_values()
print *, 'Values:'
print *, 'a = ', a
print *, 'b = ', b
print *, 'c = ', c
print *, 'p = ', p
print *, 'q = ', q
end subroutine print_values
end program pointer_example
The output of this program is:
a = 3.141600
b = 2.718200
c = 0.5772000
p = 3.141600
q = 2.718200
a = 3.141600
b = 3.141600
c = 0.5772000
p = 3.141600
q = 3.141600
a = 3.141600
b = 3.141600
c = 0.5772000
p = 0.5772000
q = 3.141600