Fortran Wiki


Returns the upper cobounds of a coarray, or a single upper cobound along the dim codimension.


Fortran 2008 and later


Inquiry function


result = ucobound(coarray [, dim [, kind]])


  • array - Shall be an coarray, of any type.
  • dim - (Optional) Shall be a scalar integer.
  • kind - (Optional) An integer initialization expression indicating the kind parameter of the result.

Return value

The return value is of type integer and of kind kind. If kind is absent, the return value is of default integer kind. If dim is absent, the result is an array of the lower cobounds of coarray. If dim is present, the result is a scalar corresponding to the lower cobound of the array along that codimension.

See also

lcobound, lbound, ubound

category: intrinsics