Alam, Shahid (2014). Is Fortran Still Relevant? Comparing Fortran with Java and C++ International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), Vol.5, No.3, May 2014.
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Cohen, M. (1999). Object orientation and Fortran 2002: part II. ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum 18, 14–21.
Decyk, V. K., C. D. Norton, and B. K. Szymanski. (1997). Expressing Object-Oriented Concepts in Fortran 90. ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum 16, 13–18.
Diaz, Javier, Marco Pinna, Andrei V. Zvelindovsky, and Ignacio Pagonabarraga (2021). Parallel Hybrid Simulations of Block Copolymer Nanocomposites using Coarray Fortran. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations.
Erwig, Martin, et al. Parametric Fortran (3 papers)
Gray, M. G. and R. M. Roberts (1997). Object-based programming in Fortran 90. Computers in Physics 11, 355–361.
Haveraaen, M., et al. (2015) High-Performance Design Patterns for Modern Fortran Scientific Programming
Johnson, Seth R., Andrey Prokopenko, and Katherine J. Evans (2020). Automated Fortran–C++ Bindings for Large-Scale Scientific Applications Computing in Science & Engineering Sept.-Oct. 2020, pp. 84-94, vol. 22.
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Markus, A. (2001). Generic programming in Fortran 90. ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum 20(3), 20-23.
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McCalpin, J. D. (1996). A Case Study of Some Issues in the Optimization of Fortran 90 Array Notation Scientific Programming.
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Morris, K. (2015) Emulating Multiple Inheritance in Fortran 2003/2008 Scientific Programming.
Nanthaamornphong, A., and A. Leatongkam (2019) Extended ForUML for Automatic Generation of UML Sequence Diagrams from Object-Oriented Fortran Scientific Programming.
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Padua, D. (2000). The Fortran I Compiler Computing in Science $ Engineering.
Poppe, K., R. Cools, and B. Vandewoestyne (2012). Error handling in Fortran 2003. Fortran Forum 31(2), 7-19. Updated article here
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Reid, J. (2003). The future of Fortran. Computing in Science & Engineering 5, 59–67.
Schonfelder, J.L. (2003) Variable Precision Arithmetic: A Fortran 95 Module Scientific Programming.
Singleterry, Robert C. (2018) Single Thread to Fortran Coarray Transition Process for the Control Algorithm in the Space Radiation Code HZETRN NASA-TP-2018-219811.
Sharma, A., and I. Moulitsas (2017) MPI to Coarray Fortran: Experiences with a CFD Solver for Unstructured Meshes Scientific Programming.
Shterenlikht, A. and L. Cebamanos (2018). Cellular automata beyond 100k cores: MPI vs Fortran coarrays Proceedings of the 25th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting.
Vanderbauwhede, Wim (2022). Making legacy Fortran code type safe through automated program transformation. The Journal of Supercomputing volume 78, pages 2988–3028.
Worth, D. J. (2008). State of the art in object oriented programming with fortran. Technical Report RAL-TR-2008-002.
Yue, S., and J. Gray (2014). SPOT: A DSL for Extending Fortran Programs with Metaprogramming Scientific Programming.
Dauptain, Antoine (2021). Screening the coding style of Large Fortran HPC Codes
Ehlert, Sebastian (2022). Using objects across language boundaries: Exploring the limits of language interoperability and consistent API design
Stulajter, Miko M., Ronald M. Caplan, and Jon A. Linker (2021). Can Fortran’s ‘do concurrent’ replace directives for accelerated computing?
In Defense of Fortran (2023), by Jeff Hammond
Discovering and Enjoying Fortran(2023) by Simon Rowe
Why You Should Consider Using Fortran As A Data Scientist: An exploration of the benefits that Fortran can bring to Data Science and Machine Learning(2023) by Egor Howell
Why Fortran is a scientific powerhouse(2023), The Myths of Fortran(2022), and Why Fortran is Easy to Learn(2022) by Michael Wirth
Is Fortran “a dead language”? Some C++ folk seem to think so…(2022) by Jim Cownie
I enjoyed modern Fortran(2022) by Radek Gruchalski
Fast, Cheap, and Turbulent—Global Ocean Modeling With GPU Acceleration in Python(2021) by Dion Häfner, Roman Nuterman, and Markus Jochum. Discussed here
Computer Language Benchmarks Game - Which programming language is fastest?
On the Performance of GPU accelerated q-LSKUM based meshfree solvers in Fortran, C++, Python, and Julia(2021) by Nischay Ram Mamidi et al.
raytracer(2021) - raytracer benchmark in dozens of languages, by edin
Assessment of Programming Languages for Computational Numerical Dynamics(2021) by Arturo Burgos. Compares Fortran, Julia, Matlab, and Python
What Julia can and can’t replace about Fortran(2021), by Joshua Laughner
Testing Julia: Fast as Fortran, Beautiful as Python(2021) by Martin D. Maas. Code here. Also Why is Fortran still used?, Will Julia replace Fortran for high-performance computing?
What is the superiority of Fortran over alternative languages like Chapel or Julia?(2021) - discussion at Fortran Discourse
NetworkDynamics.jl – Composing and simulating complex networks in Julia(2021) by Michael Lindner et al. Discussed here. Network Dynamics Benchmarks comparing Fortran, Julia and Python here
This old programming language is suddenly getting more popular again(2021) by Liam Tung, ZDNet
Resurrecting Fortran(2021) by Ondrej Certik
Performance comparison R, Julia, Fortran for Bayesian binary probit(2021) by Dries Benoit
The Quest for Speed - An Indicative Survey in Improving Performance(2021) by Bryn Noel Ubald
A Comparative Study on the Efficiency of Compiled Languages and MATLAB/Simulink for Simulation of Highly Nonlinear Automotive Systems(2020) by Amir Hossein Pasdar, Shahram Azadi, and Reza Kazemi, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics. Discussed here
First year of Fortran-lang(2020) by Milan Curcic
Basic Comparison of Various Computing Languages: Python, Julia, Matlab, IDL, R, Java, Scala, C, Fortran(2020) by Jules Kouatchou and Alexander Medema
What does Fortran need in 2020 to survive?(2020) by zmiimz
The Linear Algebra Mapping Problem(2019) by Christos Psarras, et al
Programming languages and particle physics(2019) by Jim Pivarski
Why I chose C for backtesting: Lessons from a journey to build an intraday backtesting engine(2019) by M. Emmanuel
Is Julia the best language for quantitative finance?(2019) by M. Emmanuel
Why to Use Fortran For New Projects(2019) by John Pask and Ondřej Čertík
A Comparison of Programming Languages in Economics: An Update(2018) by S. Boragan Aruoba and Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde. original paper code at GitHub
The Need for Speed Part 2: C++ vs. Fortran vs. C(2018) by Avi. Part 1
Energy efficiency across programming languages: how do energy, time, and memory relate?(2017) by Rui Pereira et al.
Comparison of performance: Python NumPy and Numba, MATLAB, and Fortran(2017) by Charles Jekel
A Comparative Study of Programming Languages for Next-Generation Astrodynamics System(2016) by Helge Joachim Eichhorn, Frazer McLean, and Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez
Fortran is alive!(2016) from VORtech
Why physicists still use Fortran(2015) by Daniel C. Elton
Formula translation in Blitz++, NumPy and modern Fortran: A case study of the language choice tradeoffs(2014) by Sylwester Arabas, Dorota Jarecka, Anna Jaruga, and Maciej Fijałkowski, Scientific Programming 22 (2014) 201–222
Scientific computing’s future: Can any coding language top a 1950s behemoth? (2014) by Lee Phillips
Why (and Why Not) to Use Fortran Instead of C++, Matlab, Python etc.(2012) by Nick Maclaren
The Rise and Fall of High Performance Fortran(2011) by Ken Kennedy, Charles Koelbel, and Hans Zima, Communications of the ACM
Debunking the Myths About Fortran(2011) by Craig T. Dedo
C++ vs Fortran(2011) by lmf
C vs Fortran for scientific computing by Jannis Teunissen
The Joy of Fortran (2010) by Sam Urmy
Should Fortran be taught to Undergraduates? (2009) by Mike Croucher of NAG
Why Fortran? (2007) by Viktor K. Decyk, Charles D. Norton, and Henry J. Gardner, Computing in Science and Engineering
Scientific Programming in Fortran(2007) by W. Van Snyder, Scientific Programming 15 pp3–8
Fortran: A Modern Standard Programming Language For Parallel Scalable High Performance Technical Computing(2006) by David B. Loveman
Programming languages in economics: a comparison among Fortran77, C++, and Java(2005) by Vieira, Wilson da Cruz and Levi H. Santana de Lelis
The Importance Of Fortran In The 21st Century (2003) by Walt Brainerd, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods.
Cloudy’s Journey from FORTRAN to C, Why and How(2000) - by G. J. Fernald, published in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 216, edited by Nadine Manset, Christian Veillet, and Dennis Crabtree. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, ISBN 1-58381-047-1, 2000., p.32
On the Numerical Efficiency of C++ in Scientic Computing(1999) by Erlend Arge et al.
Fortran 90 subsets offer simplified environment for first-time users(1998) by Donald L. Shirer, Computers in Physics 12, 166; doi: 10.1063/1.168632
Using the F Programming Language in the Classroom(1997) by Bob Hancock
Portability and Power with the F Programming Language(1997) by Walt Brainerd, David Epstein, and Richard Hendrickson, Linux Journal.
Fortran 90 for Science Students(1995) by John Prentice
Should C Replace FORTRAN as the Language of Scientific Programming?(1995) by Linda Wharton
Retire Fortran?: a debate rekindled (1992) by David Cann. Communications of the ACM
Computing in Science: Fortran outlasts them all - While hardware technology proceeds apace, scientists still battle away with Fortran programming(1989) by Don Monro, New Scientist.
Has FORTRAN a Future?(1985) by Michael Metcalf, Computer Physics Communications Volume 38, Issue 2, October–November 1985, Pages 199-210
Why C++ will replace FORTRAN (or, at least, why it should)(1984) by Thomas Keffer, ACCU
A debate: Retire FORTRAN?: Yes. New applicative languages, based on mathematical functions rather than FORTRAN‐like statements, will enhance our ability to decompose problems for concurrent processing.(1984) by James R. McGraw, Physics Today 37, 5, 66
A debate: Retire FORTRAN?: No. Supercomputers simply need supercompilers that automatically restructure programs for concurrent processing.(1984) David J. Kuck and Michael Wolfe, Physics Today 37, 5, 67