Since the release of Intel’s oneAPI HPC toolkit two different Fortran compilers are available:
The Intel Fortran Compiler Classic, or ifort
(previously Intel Fortran Compiler), is a Fortran compiler developed by Intel and available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. The compiler has full support for most language standards, see the article entitled support for Fortran language standards.
The Intel Fortran Compiler , or ifx
is the newly released LLVM-based Fortran compiler. As of the release of oneAPI 2023.0 it fully supports FORTRAN 77, Fortran90/95, Fortran 2003/2008 and 2018 standards of the language. It includes OpenMP capabilities for offloading to Intel GPUs architectures. Read the Porting Guide for Intel Fortran Compiler
In order to obtain both Fortran compilers one has to:
Dowload the oneAPI Base Toolkit
Dowload the oneAPI HPC Toolkit
For Windows users, full compatibility of oneAPI2023 is provided with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and 2022 IDEs (support for MVS2017 was deprecated starting with oneAPI2022.1) more information