Fortran Wiki
Software repositories

- GitHub: Fortran
- GitLab: Fortran
- Sourceforge: Fortran
- Fortran Packages The fortran-lang package index is community-maintained and lists open source Fortran-related projects.
- Netlib
- Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
- Geophysics source-code archive - codes that accompany articles published in the “Geophysical Software and Algorithms” section in the journal Geophysics.
- HEPForge - development environment for high energy physics software projects
- Alan Miller - statistics, random number generation, and other topics. Another mirror is here.
- H. D. Knoble‘s Collection of Fortran Algorithms and Techniques
- John Burkardt Listed by topic here
- Stony Brook Algorithm Repository: Algorithm Implementations in Fortran
- Milan Curcic Companion code for Modern Fortran: Building Efficient Parallel Applications
- StatLib statistical library
- GAMS–NIST Guide to Available Math Software
- David Duffy - statistics and genetics codes, interfaces to curses and zlib, embeddable Lisp interpreter as a module.
- Biostatistics software from the University of Texas
- Dan Nagle - portability project, COCO, conversion functions, etc.
- Orderpack Michel Olagnon’s routines for ranking and sorting.
- SOFA library - Patrick Wallace’s library for fundamental astronomy including astrometric and calendrical calculations.
- NSWC Mathematics Subroutine Library
- Lawrie Schonfelder’s routines for variable length character strings and variable precision arithmetic.
- F2003-RAPS Fortran 2003 code examples.
- Crystallography Source Code Museum
- szaghi Fortran Repos some free open source Fortran codes.
- Computer Physics Communications Program Library Over 2100 Fortran programs published in the journal Computer Physics Communications
- GPF General Purpose Fortran repository. Modules for basic access to POSIX system functions, date and time representation, command argument parsing, Fortran preprocessor/unit tester/code-document integration, … including example programs that exercise the modules.
- Jean-Pierre Moreau numerical routines (on Internet Archive)
- JAMS - a collection of general Fortran modules offering miscellaneous functions in the categories Computational, Date and Time, Input / Output, Math / Numerics, Screening, Sensitivity Analysis and Optimising / Fitting, and Miscellaneous. Written by Matthias Cuntz, Juliane Mai and Stephan Thober. (OS: MIT)
- MGNet - repository for information related to multigrid, multilevel, multiscale, aggregation, defect correction, and domain decomposition methods.
- NonSmooth Optimization (NSO) Software codes by Napsu Karmitsa and coworkers and links to codes by others. Site also has codes for clustering, regression, and imputation.
- Trustable Algorithms for Nonlinear General Optimization (TANGO) Fortran and C codes from the University of Campinas and University of São Paulo joint project for optimization software development
- Radiation Safety Informational Computational Center (RSICC) - Since its inception in 1962, RSICC has evolved into one of the world’s leading resources for a broad range of the best available nuclear computational tools and services.
- Public Domain Aeronautical Software - valuable aeronautical computer programs complete with public domain source code, instructions and sample cases.
- Collected Algorithms (CALGO) from ACM - Software associated with papers published in the Transactions on Mathematical Software, as well as other ACM journals are incorporated in CALGO. This software is refereed for originality, accuracy, robustness, completeness, portability, and lasting value.
- StatLib—Applied Statistics algorithms
- Astrophysics Source Code Library - free online registry for source codes of interest to astronomers and astrophysicists, including solar system astronomers, and lists codes that have been used in research that has appeared in, or been submitted to, peer-reviewed publications.
- Computational Chemistry List (CCL)
Revised on March 18, 2025 17:55:22
(5855 characters / 2.0 pages)